Peabody Penguin
Hee hee - that tickles.

Curve A Graph
Back when I was a kid I loved playing with Spirographİ. With the onset of the computer age I looked for a program that would mimic this marvellous toy. First for my System 80 then an Amiga 500. My parents purchased AMOSPro and I was able to write a program I called Curve-A-Graph. I transferred it over to an Amiga 1200 then I finally bought an IBM clone and rewrote Curve-A-Graph to work on it.
I am continually refining it but the current incarnation can be downloaded via the below download button. I hope you have as much fun with it as I did programming it.

Please click button below to download Curve-A-Graph
(requires Visual Basic Runtime files)

Click here to download


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